Wednesday 23 March 2016

Evaluation #3- How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

In order to answer this evaluation we created a Moovly animated slide show and uploaded it to YouTube and embedded it in this blog:


The combination of our ancillary tasks and trailer work much more effectively than if we only had a trailer on its own. They are also noticeable from the same package even if the title was removed as they carry the same themes and colours, giving "The Door" a professional look overall. The fact that the same themes are carried from trailer to ancillary tasks ensures that our audience can easily recognize the genre and aspects of our film. If our film was real I feel that through everything we have created, we would be able to successfully sell and promote the film as we have included and followed conventions of other successful films that are proven to work. However, compared to these professionally made films, we have much less experience and a much smaller budget, meaning that we are unable to use as high quality equipment such as cameras, mics and even our understand of the software will be much smaller than that of a professional editor. This may give our product a more amateur look when placed next to a more professionally made product.

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