Tuesday 13 October 2015

Horror Genre Conventions

Genre is defined as a style or category and as we have decided to produce a horror trailer, we felt it would be useful throughout the process if we researched into the conventions of horror movies. Genre in all movies is vitally important for both film producers and audiences as the producer has the ultimate goal of engaging their target audience in order to be successful. The audience themselves need to be interested and engaged in the trailer we produce so that they will go and watch the entire film in cinemas. Looking at specifically horror films, there are many things we need to consider when producing our horror trailer. 
The main location in which a horror film is set is often a place with history, mostly "dark" history. This for example, means a place believed to be haunted or perhaps a house no one has lived in for hundreds of years. If the director decides not to go down this route, other places that horror films are often set in is isolated places. Perhaps a brand new house in the middle of nowhere. Other settings in a horror movie often include dark streets, narrow alleyways or on a larger scale, ghost Towns. 

Camera work is extremely important in the production of a horror film. It is more often than not, very unnatural. Using shots that appear weird such as point of view shots so the audience can experience what the main character is seeing, or perhaps to show the perspective of a "monster" that the protagonist hasn't seen yet. Disturbing or sudden sounds are important in any horror movie. Sudden sounds can aid towards the success of a jump scare for example. 
The narrative structure of a horror film can be left open so there is room for a sequel or it can end with a resolution for the entire plot. There is always a protagonist or "final girl" in the film. They almost always have to take on a series of quests to solve some form of problem to meet their resolution. A common narrative structure is that the antagonist has turned this way because of their past and the plot often links back to their hometown or upbringing.  
The main character types in a horror film include - The main protagonist who is usually the victim of the movie as well as the hero. The antagonist who is usually some form of ghost / monster or killer. The people that could be described as victims but are the more "stupid" characters who often get killed. Police officers are often involved in horror films as one of the first things the protagonist goes to, to solve their problems.  
There are many themes that could be included in a horror film but some of the most common are: Good vs Evil - Depression - Religion - Childhood Issues or Revenge. 

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