Thursday 22 October 2015

Synopsis of Full Film

We created a synopsis for the full film as we thought this would give us much more depth behind our trailer. Having the full synopsis meant that we could pick out what we thought were the most important and vital parts to show in the trailer. 
The Door 
A family of 3 move from London to Manchester after the father earns a big promotion in his company. The “Black” family, (Kevin, Kate and their teenage son, Adam), have just bought an old, expensive house in a rural part of Oldham. The film starts with a happy, optimistic tone as the family is moving and they’re all excited but the mood soon changes. The teenage son finds a locked door in the attic with no key to be found. They try and break it down but it seems to be impenetrable.  
That night, when everyone is asleep Adam Black is going to bed, he hears a scream coming from next door. He jumps up and rushes to the corridor and notices the locked door is now ajar. He walks apprehensively towards it with his arm outstretched and tries to push it further open but it slams shut in his face before he can reach it. 
Adam spends the next day asking his parents about the door, and asking whether or not they know anything about the door, or if the previous owners know anything. They call the previous owners of the house on the number they left them but the phone doesn’t even ring, the line is dead. Adam realises that he will have to investigate the room himself. 
The following morning, he leaves for school and feels eyes on him. He looks around but cannot see anyone. In the window of the locked room, there is the silhouette of a young girls staring eerily at him but Adam does not see her. That day at school, he is very distracted by thoughts of the door, and cannot focus at school. His best friend asks him why he is acting so strange and they end up having an argument.  
The next night, he hears banging coming from the locked room and goes to investigate. The door is unlocked and he rushes in and unexpected find himself inside the room for the first time, however the ghost is nowhere to be seen. He looks around the room and finds an old fashioned picture from the early 20th century of a young girl with jet black hair down in front of her face. Adam stares at the photo for a while, before feeling uneasy in the room and he hides the photo in his dressing gown before leaving the room and returning to his bedroom. He places the photo of the girl on his bedside table and gives the girl in it one last troubled look before going to sleep  
The next morning, Adam looks at the photo again but the girl is no longer in the photo. She has left the picture somehow and Adam wonders where she’s gone and how this could be possible. He also feels a slight sickness at the bottom of his stomach as he gets out of bed and heads downstairs to see his parents. He tells his parents he thinks he had a nightmare, because he doesn’t believe that there was once a girl in the photo because how could someone in a photo move?  
Over the next few weeks, Adam becomes more and more intrigued by the photo of the girl. He spends hours at a time engulfed in it, and notices she leaves and returns to the photo at random times. He also starts to become ill and lethargic. His parents start to get worried about him and talk to him. They ask if he’s getting involved in drugs or if something is happening at school but he insists he is fine. He becomes very ill and is seen throwing up in the bathroom. One night, Adam is seen wondering through the house in a trance-like state towards the door. He is shuffling his feet slowly and uncomfortably across the floor, knocking into walls and stumbling over things. It looks as though he is unconscious and something else is controlling his movement. He eventually comes to the locked door and walks into it, banging his head against it slowly. He becomes still as the door handle slowly turns and the door begins to creak open. Adam raises his arm as he tries to reach out for the ghost, who is reaching out to him from inside the room. The ghost pulls him through the door, and slams it shut behind him. His parents are awoken by the noise and rush upstairs to find Adam gone and the door locked once more. They spend hours trying to get into the room but it remains impenetrable. The next day they call a man who claims to be an exorcist and explain the situation. He says he can help and has seen this kind of things happen many times before. 
He comes to visit the Black family with 2 others who are his helpers. They place cameras in the house and microphones along with heat sensors to detect any movement. They start attempting to summon the ghost, and strange things begin to happen. Windows smash and doors come off their hinges, as if a strong force is being disturbed and does not want to be discovered. Eventually the photo frame shoots out from underneath the locked door and stops at the feet of Mr and Mrs Black. They look at it in horror as they see an image of the ghost sat beside their son inside the photo. The exorcist takes the photo and starts performing a sort of ritual, attempting to get Adam back from the photo. Eventually, the photo frame smashes and we hear banging from inside the locked room. The ghost of the girl slowly opens the door and stands in the doorway, looking eerily at the on looking people. The exorcist continues talking at the girl in a sort of chant that causes her to scream and run towards him. As she gets to him he shouts the final words of his chant and she disappears with a small pained screamed. Finally, Adam comes out of the room looking ill and worn down. His parents run to him and hug him, and the exorcist explains the girls was a demon who preys on young souls who are new in the house. He says this house must have been haunted for years but it is now safe once more.  
As the people leave the house, the Black family wave them off thanking them, just as the film is about to end, the camera pans through the house slowly, which is eerily silent. It stops on the door and slowly zooms in towards it. The door slams open and the ghost runs out of the room towards the camera before a cut to black, leaving it on a cliff-hanger. 
The name of the film appears on screen followed by credits. 

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