Monday 30 November 2015

Ancillary Task- Poster Creation

This is the evidence of how we created our movie poster using Adobe Photoshop.

Ancillary task – Poster Creation from Harry Naylor

Each slide corresponds to each of the steps below:
  2. I opened a new document, making it the same size as a typical movie poster. (A4) 
  1. I then used the paint bucket tool to cover the whole page in black. 
  1. I then inserted the image of “The Door” that we had saved elsewhere, and positioned this in the bottom right hand corner. 
  1. Then, using the font REALVIRTUE, I added the main actor’s names around the outside of the door. Then using the brush tool I applied shading to the upper quarter of the text. 
  1. The next thing I did was insert an image of blood splatter to the upper half of the poster. 
  1. In Adobe InDesign, I created the main title of “The Door”, using Minion Pro, Size 72 in Dark Red, I then copied and pasted this into the movie poster document. 
  1. I then inserted the image of a Harry's hands we created earlier and used the eraser tool to remove everything on the outside of the two “O”’s in “The Door”. I placed this layer below the main title layer. 
  1. I then copied and pasted another layer of the main title but in a darker red to add shading to the previous layer. 
  1. Once again in Adobe InDesign, I created the subtitle using Minion Pro, Size 24 in white, then pasted this into the poster document. 
  1. Staying in InDesign, I created the credits for the poster using Bee Two, Size 16 in white, and pasted this into the poster document. 
  1. We had rated our film a 15 and so we added an age rating plaque in the bottom right hand corner. 
  1. The next thing we did was add our production company logos under our credits. 
  1. Back in InDesign we created our social media links using Minion Pro, Size 24 in white and pasted this into the poster document. 
  1. Finally we created our “Coming Soon” text in Minion Pro, Size 24 and white, then pasted it into our poster document. 

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Ancillary Task- Poster Planning

This is the planning for our movie poster, we made this document on Microsoft Publisher in order to plan out the poster before we started to make it on Adobe Photoshop and Indesign. The things in speech marks are words we will actually include on the cover, the words in stars are things we will decide on later, such as the credits (this just saves us typing out the entire credits list on the plan). Everything else is just the features of the text, e.g size, font, colour, shape.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Ancillary Task- Magazine Cover Creation

Here is the evidence of how we created out magazine cover using Adobe Photoshop.
Each slide corresponds to each of the steps below:
  2. I opened a new document, making it the same size as a typical magazine cover. (A4) 
  1. I then used the bucket tool to fill the whole page in black. 
  1. I then added a background image that we had previously found. 
  1. As we was having our film featured on “EMPIRE” magazine, we added their title to our front cover and I added shading to it using the brush tool. 
  1. Then using Adobe InDesign, I created a subtitle using Myriad Pro, Size 24 in white, then pasted this into our front cover document. 
  1. I then pasted an image of our dead girl into our document, then using the eraser tool, I removed everything surrounding her and replaced it with a red glow. 
  1. I then added an image of a movie scroll. I added a drop shadow as well as bevel and emboss to this layer. I also added an inner glow and a gradient overlay of white to grey. I then inserted images below this layer on the inside of the gaps in the movie scroll. 
  1. Back in Adobe InDesign I created promotional movie titles using Myriad Pro, Size 22 in red and white text. I then pasted it into the bottom of our front cover document. 
  1. I then added our movie’s tagline to the poster, having it sit alongside the movie reel. We created this using Lucida Fax. Size 30 in white and italics. 
  1. I then had our movies title placed above this tag line. We created this in Adobe InDesign using Lucida Fax, Size 60 in red; I added a drop shadow to this layer. 
  1. I then added information about what is inside the magazine (Interviews with actors), I did this using Firenze SF, Size 24 in white. We also used Lucida Fax, Size 24, in red for the actual actor names. For what each actor would be “talking about” we used Lucida Fax, Size 14 in white and italics. 
  1. Then, using the shape tool, I added a blue circle on the left hand side of the front cover. I then added another slightly smaller circle, in black, and added a drop shadow to this. I placed it inside the blue circle. 
  1. I then added images of the new star wars movie in the centre of the two circles. 
  1. I then added text promoting the Star Wars movie and placed this inside of the two circles. We did this using Lucida Fax, Size 12 in white and red. 

Monday 16 November 2015

Ancillary Task- Magazine Cover Planning

This is the planning for our magazine cover, we made this document on microsoft publisher in order to plan out the cover before we started to actually create it on Adobe Photoshop. The things in speech marks are words we will actually include on the cover, the words in stars are things we will decide on later, such as which movies or actors to include. Everything else is just the features of the text, e.g size, font, colour, shape.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Original Photo in Poster

We decided to use an original photo that we took our self as part of our magazine poster.

1-First we took a photo of my hand against a solid background.

2- We then opened this image up in Adobe Photoshop. I used the magnetic lasso tool to draw around the hand.

3- I inversed it, and deleted the background, leaving the hand on its own.

4- I removed the background and then changed the image to greyscale. I filled it in the make it fully black.

5- On a new window in Photoshop I used the gradient tool to get a black to white gradient.

6- I inserted the image of the hand onto the gradient and shrunk it down so it was across the gradient I wanted. (mainly grey but fading slightly to black).

7- I drew an oval around the hand, so it would fit into the 'O' of 'Door' more easily. I inversed it again and deleted the rest of the background leaving just the hand in the oval.

We will then insert this image into our poster when we have finished making it. I will copy and paste the image and flip it so it looks like there's two hands. I will then insert it into the 'O's of 'Door'

Thursday 12 November 2015


Music is one of the most important features in a full length film as well as in a trailer. It is often used to make the audience feel a certain way but it also helps the viewer realize what genre the movie is. One of the first things we did was find a piece of music that fit the horror genre as we feel music is even more important in this genre. This is because it is often used the build tension and for various things such as jump scares. We wanted to find a piece of music that when we listened to it, it built tension in our minds, and that was before we put it with any clips. The final piece of music that we used can be heard below: 

Online Promotion via Social Media

We also used various social media websites to create pages for our film. These social media pages allowed us to upload information about our current progress, and show viewers/followers behind the scenes photos and teasers about the film. We know that some other film companies do this with their films to build hype and publicity online, so we decided it would be a nice touch to do the same, and make it seem more authentic and realistic.

This is our Twitter page. Search: @The_Door_Movie

This is our Facebook page. Search: The Door Movie
This is our YouTube channel:

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Conventions of Movie Posters

Film posters have to grab the attention of the viewer, and somehow make them want to go and see your film with just a still picture. This means they must be quite creative and innovative in order to stand out from the crowd. Again, they must be aesthetic for the viewer, but also give enough information so they actually know what you're advertising. We looked at posters such as Titanic, The Grey, Jaws, Alice and Wonderland and a few others. Features included: 

  • Main focus is the object that the film is named after. In this case a 'Ouija board' as the film is named 'Ouija'
  • The title of the movie was on every poster we saw, obviously it is important to feature this or people won't know what they're looking at. It was usually in big bold text with contrasting colours to make it pop and really stand out. In this case, the word 'Ouija' is in big bold white text against a black background. 
  • The theme and colour code of the poster normally reflected the mood of the film. This is important due to the fact that it helps people subconsciously categorise your film into a known genre, and helps them decide weather they want to watch it or not. If you are a huge horror movie fan and you see a colourfulcartoon themed poster, you will likely pay it no attention. And if you are not a fan of horror movies, you wouldn't pay much attention to a poster such as the 'Ouija' one.
  • tagline, usually at the top of the poster that compliments the movie and draws your attention in. It normally gives a little hint as to the theme or storyline of the movie.
  • Some also had a line saying what other films the director or producer had worked on. On the Ouija poster it says from the producer of Insidious and Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • The names of the main actors in it. Could be just 1 actor, could be 5 or 6, depending on how big the cast is. If an actors name will help attract people to watch the movie, they will put it on the posters. 
  • The names of the producer, director and the distribution company in thin, stretched out text at the bottom of the page.

Conventions of Magazine Covers

Most of the magazine covers we looked at for film magazines had very set conventions and features that need to be included to make it both aesthetic and practical. We looked at "Empire" magazine mainly, as this is a world renowned and respected movie magazine. Some of the features that we saw on the magazine covers included: 
  • a big bold picture of a character from a film (one that is heavily featured in this magazine issue) that stood out, and even covered the title of the magazine in some cases, to further emphasize the importance of the character's image. On this example it is Hannibal Lector from The Silence of the Lambs. For most fil;ms the protagionist is normally on the cover, but as this is a hoorror film and heavilybased on darj and scary themes, it is more effective to have the antagonist in the cover. This is what we will do on our cover.
  • Title of the film in big bold letters (usually red to match the theme of the magazine) but in this case was in a sort of off white colour at te bottom of the page.
  • Smaller images down the side of the page that showed other films that were being featured inside- although this specific cover did not have
  • a small caption for each photo that is there to intrigue potential readers in to buying the magazine.
  • An eye catching tagline at the very top of the cover that was there to catch the attention of potential buyers. On this example is says "the 500 greatest movies of all time" 
  • Empire web address was featured on most of the newer examples- ("") 
  • Less importantly for aesthetic reasons, and more for practical business reasons, they all had a barcode and price in a very small print usually near the bottom corners of their cover. Makes people instantly know how much they will have to pay for it.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Risk Assessment

Who/what would could be affected 
Risk Management 
Back-up Plan 
Allergic Reactions due to makeup 
The actors who had makeup on (The Ghost- we made her face and arms paler & Adam Black- we made his face pale during the scene where he is ill). 
Low- none of our actors were allergic to make up but it was still a slight risk. 
We asked the actors if they were allergic to the makeup we were using before we used it- they all said no so we assumed they were correct. 
We decided that if any of the actors were irritated or had a reaction from the makeup, we would just leave it out, and either have no makeup or try and add in the effects we wanted in post production. 
Lack of commitment from actor not in group 
Myself and my group mate Benjamin Hurst. 
Medium- If the other actor did not show up then we would have had major problems with filming. 
We made sure the actors could definitely film on the day we wanted before hand. 
We didn't really have a back-up plan for this situation. If our actor didn't turn up on the day we would have had to just film on another day, and postpone our production. 
Slipping or falling on wet surfaces 
The actors and crew involved in the production. 
Medium- Even if we did slip or fall on something, we were in a safe environment, no one could get badly hurt. 
We had a first aid kit on site to make sure we could treat anyone who got injured quickly. We also had our mobile phones on site so if someone got seriously injured we could call for an ambulance or other help.  
If someone fell or slipped and injured themselves, we would of had to choose another day to film on.  
Bad weather 
The cast/crew and the equipment. 
High- if there was bad weather i.e heavy rain or snow or storms etc. Then the equipment could be damaged and the exterior shots could be ruined. 
We checked the weather forecast in advance, and chose a filming day that was forecast no rain or snow. 
If the forecast was incorrect, and there was actually snow on our filming day, then we would have had to film our exterior shots on another day .