Sunday 8 November 2015

Risk Assessment

Who/what would could be affected 
Risk Management 
Back-up Plan 
Allergic Reactions due to makeup 
The actors who had makeup on (The Ghost- we made her face and arms paler & Adam Black- we made his face pale during the scene where he is ill). 
Low- none of our actors were allergic to make up but it was still a slight risk. 
We asked the actors if they were allergic to the makeup we were using before we used it- they all said no so we assumed they were correct. 
We decided that if any of the actors were irritated or had a reaction from the makeup, we would just leave it out, and either have no makeup or try and add in the effects we wanted in post production. 
Lack of commitment from actor not in group 
Myself and my group mate Benjamin Hurst. 
Medium- If the other actor did not show up then we would have had major problems with filming. 
We made sure the actors could definitely film on the day we wanted before hand. 
We didn't really have a back-up plan for this situation. If our actor didn't turn up on the day we would have had to just film on another day, and postpone our production. 
Slipping or falling on wet surfaces 
The actors and crew involved in the production. 
Medium- Even if we did slip or fall on something, we were in a safe environment, no one could get badly hurt. 
We had a first aid kit on site to make sure we could treat anyone who got injured quickly. We also had our mobile phones on site so if someone got seriously injured we could call for an ambulance or other help.  
If someone fell or slipped and injured themselves, we would of had to choose another day to film on.  
Bad weather 
The cast/crew and the equipment. 
High- if there was bad weather i.e heavy rain or snow or storms etc. Then the equipment could be damaged and the exterior shots could be ruined. 
We checked the weather forecast in advance, and chose a filming day that was forecast no rain or snow. 
If the forecast was incorrect, and there was actually snow on our filming day, then we would have had to film our exterior shots on another day . 

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